Friday, April 04, 2008

Another Disappointing Synodical "Issue"

The scandalous cancellation of Issues, Etc. is also a big blow to the pro-life movement.

I wonder if it would be possible to get signs for the front of our churches that say: "The Church of Issues, Etc." like the old Lutheran Hour signs you can still see in front of some LCMS churches.

I also have to believe that Wilken and Swartz will be nominated for the Saber of Boldness. Perhaps even Mollie Hemingway, who has a big platform at the Wall Street Journal and is not afraid to use it.

1 comment:

  1. I was going to use the two hour broadcasts on "moral and legal arguments against abortion" for my big ethics paper. I was also going to use the two hour anti-gay marriage broadcast.

    Thanks LCMS for giving us crappy mission techniques and resources and helping our apologetic and societal outreach movement. Babies and traditional marriage must not be important enough to reasonably defend.


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