Saturday, March 21, 2009

When Christians Try to be Cool...

As painfully cringe-worthy as this is, make sure you watch to the end when Lawrence Welk himself chimes in.

Three quotes from seminary professors come to mind:

"What can one say?"
- Rev. Prof. Kurt Marquart +

"Iowa always finds you. Say a Mass for me, guy!"
- Rev. Dr. David Scaer (technically two conflated quotes)

"Poor God!"
- Rev. Dr. Daniel Reuning


  1. Priceless!

    A Brewer and Shipley classic from my HS freshman year. They are totally clueless as to what they are singing.


  2. Oh my, I agree with Rev. Marquart, "What can one say?"

  3. I am so confused. I have no idea what they are talking about. One toke over the line, sweet Jesus... what does that even mean? If it means what I think it means it even makes less sense!

  4. Mike, type "define: toke" in google (without quotes) and all will be made clear.

    And no, it technically does not make sense.

  5. Thanks for sharing Larry. This had me rolling in laughter. Stacy just sat across the room starting and shaking her head. Maybe there is some value in Lawrence Welk reruns!


  6. "I am so confused. I have no idea what they are talking about."

    Oh, oh. Generation gap alert. We've got youngins in the room.

  7. OK, ok. :-) This "youngin" wants to be clear - it is not ignorance of the term "toke" that causes my confusion - it is the context in which it is used in the song. Baffling. So, a song is a spiritual if you throw in "sweet Jesus" at some point - regardless of context and meaning. Actually, that seems to still apply today.

  8. Boy, you old timers had some crazy hymns back then.

  9. I find that kind of Christianity difficult. Guess i'm rather a traditional High Anglican. Sung Mass etc.


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