Monday, December 07, 2009

Missouri $ynod?

Check out Scott Diekmann's post regarding Synod's stewardship.

I know nothing is cheap, but this just seems over the top - especially when our seminaries are in the red and missionaries are raising all their own funds (particularly vexing as the synod was initially founded with these two main purposes: to provide seminary training and mission work).

It seems like the purpose of Synod is increasingly shifting to merely support of its own bureaucracy. And they seem to be supporting it in style.

Scott often reports on the goings-on in Synod, Inc. on his fine blog, Stand Firm.

1 comment:

  1. One of my members asked, "Why is it that LBT, LHF and others seem to be receiving enough to keep them going while Kieschy and company are in the red?" He didn't ask it exactly like that we sort of editorialized. We did respond that those organizations are still doing what they promised to do while LCMS inc. is doing anything but what it is supposed to do, it has lost the trust of genuine Christians.


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