Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tannenbaum 2.0

Well, here is the Hollywood Christmas tree, round two.

Version 1.0 was an epic fail when it flunked the Rex Test. In the immortal words of the late Warren Zevon, Rex is our "Excitable Boy." The feline one, that is. Leo is our human excitable boy. Rex is Leo's "little brother."

Anyway, Rex decided to climb up the tree, or something. We don't know. All we heard was a big crash. We found the tree on its side, antique bulbs shattered, as well as Mrs. H.'s three favorite ornaments (two of which can be glued, the third is a maybe). The base was ruined. Rex apparently lost bladder control in the mayhem, which rendered the decorative tree skirt in a less-than-desirable estate.


So, after a base repair job involving a hammer, tape, and a t-shirt (now that's my kind of home improvement project!), re-inserted limbs, and a trip to Walgreen's to buy some new shatterproof (read: Rex-proof) ornaments - our Arbre de Noel, part deux, is up and running. The tree skirt (not yet installed) has been cleaned and is ready to roll - hopefully before Santa shows up to consume a plate of red beans and rice and an Abita.

Meanwhile, the door to the parlor is now closed. Rex will have to limit his destructive activities to one of the other five rooms in the Hollywood Rectory. But at least our fix didn't look like this:

1 comment:

  1. Father Hollywood, I mourn with you the unfortunate incident :(

    Your "round two" tree is lovely but the "fix" tree is sending me into peals of laughter.

    I have two dogs at the moment who thankfully only want to climb on the bed or their favorite stuffed chair, but I've had kitties in the past so know of what you describe.

    At one time my sister had three kit kats and I still remember one Christmas looking at her beautifully deocrated tree and lo and behold, we saw a black silky feline paw appear out of one of the upper branches, gently batting an ornament.

    Felines do love those high places!



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