Friday, July 16, 2010

Pastor Brown on Doctor Quill

Rev. Eric Brown has assembled a bunch of pithy quotes by our beloved professor the Rev. Dr. Tim Quill (shown left).

I took Lutheran Worship and Homiletics with Dr. Quill. He is not only a stellar intellect, engaging lecturer, font of pastoral wisdom, a prince among men, but is also just a fun professor and person to listen to. While soft-spoken and even-keeled, you just never knew what he was going to say next.

He also headed up the Russian Project and did a lot of travelling around the world making contact with conservative, confessional, and traditional Lutherans around the globe, raised a family - and still managed to teach us wet-behind-the-ears seminarians.

Enjoy these quotes from Pr. Brown's Fall 2003 Pastoral Practice class with Dr. Quill, here, here, and here.


  1. Hey, I had Prof. Quill for both Lutheran Worship and Homiletics, too! Great prof; enjoyed his classes very much, and learned a bunch. I have referred to the notes I took in Luther Worship class many times these past five years, in preparation for catechizing the congregation I serve. Soft-spoken, but with a sly sense of humor, which, as you rightly note, one never knew was coming. :)

  2. Tim Quill is one of the great underrated men of our time. He has a way of coming in under the radar. What he has accomplished is pretty amazing.


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