Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fred Hates Good Music

HT: Trent Demarest

If you are unable to read the 2005 missive from Westboro Baptist "Church" - here is a link to a pdf.

One of the greatest honors that I've ever had was to be selected to sing in the CTS Fort Wayne Seminary Kantorei.  I was in the choir for two years and participated in four tours.

Here are a few posters I made up featuring my classmates in the Kantorei.  And here are some tour pics.  Here are some audio files on YouTube.  And if you would like to buy some fine Kantorei music, you can find them here.  Some of them are available at Amazon.

So, the folks at Westboro Demonic don't like us.  Boo hoo.

The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod is one of the few large American church bodies that defends traditional marriage.  But I guess that since we do so by a sober submission to the Scriptures and out of love for all people everywhere for whom Christ died - we're not on Fred Phelps's ghey-hatin' list.

Well, thanks be to God!

The flyer is a scream, though!  I wonder if they picketed the church.  This is the first that I have heard of this.

There is the old Shakespeare line "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."  For Fred Phelps and his cult members to be so obsessed with "teh ghey" can only make one wonder.  I believe the word of the day is "latent."

Maybe Fred is just more comfy-cozy with this guy.


  1. Fr Beane,

    I was vicar at St. John's when the demoniacs got word that the Kantorei would be in Topeka. Fred and his ilk did not picket, however, as there was a severe winter storm that night and they would have been less than comfy in the snow and sub-zero temps. They faxed the flyer to the church office, and I believe one of the Kantorei members took a copy back to the sem.


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