Sunday, April 28, 2019

A Bishop Then Must Be... Apt to Teach

Bishop Vsevolod Lytkin of the Siberian Evangelical Lutheran Church which is in altar and pulpit fellowship with the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, recently responded to mockery of his episcopal vestments:

"Dear *****, thank you for your remark. I would recommend you to read the Holy Scriptures. You will be surprised to see detailed descriptions of how priests dressed in the Old Testament. This is because God takes the holy ministry very seriously. Everything connected with the liturgy, the altar, the priesthood is very serious for God. It is only modern post-Protestant invented, as one theologian beautifully called it, "plastic Christianity" (such a simplistic religion, devoid of liturgy, priesthood and grace).

And the Church (I'm talking about the historical Church, and not about something that you may call as "Church") always takes seriously the Divine service. Her priests always wore special clothing that distinguished them from others.
You are not against the fact that doctors in hospitals wear special clothes? Or do you laugh at them also? ("Oh, what a ridiculous robe you have, doctor! Oh, what a funny cap you have!")

Or maybe you are laughing at the cops? Or at the judges? Each of them has a uniform corresponding to their profession.

And bishop always has a miter and a crosier (bishop's staff). They are a sign that he has been given authority from God.

And so please treat the bishops with respect, if only because, as the ancients said, where there is no bishop, there is no Сhurch there."

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