Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Note on Comments

I have meant to post this for quite a while. The demands on my time have rendered it impossible for me to respond to the many excellent and thought-provoking comments that people leave on my blog. But I do read all of them, and appreciate them. One of the great things about blogging is that by reading comments to one's posts, a person can actually learn a great deal, and can be directed to other sources and opportunities to learn.

So, if you've commented to my blog recently and were met by stony silence, rest assured I'm not snubbing you! How much I get to respond depends on the ebb and flow of time and labor. There were some really helpful posts I wanted to reply to, but time has kind of passed me by.

I suppose that goes without saying, but I wanted to say it anyway.


  1. A theologian of the Cross calls a thing what it is. Don't soft sell us here - admit it - we are boring and dull and not worth your time.

    Oh, wait, my bad - I had turned into a theologian of the Crass - need to pay attention to those vowels.

  2. Dear Fr. Eric:

    One of the comments I wanted to reply to was the fact that you were one of Dr. Laura Gibbs's students.

    Very cool!

    The Latin proverbs widget at on my blog comes from her.

    Eric, somehow I just don't think you've ever been considered "boring." :-)

    I also wanted to reply to Fr. Hogg (another not-boring guy), but alas, tempus fugit.


Intelligent comments from ladies and gentlemen are always welcome! Because of spam, comments are moderated - please be patient!