Sunday, December 13, 2009

Gaude! Gaude!

Veni, Emmanuel!

The choir is called the Schola Cantorum Riga and they often sing in the Riga Cathedral in Latvia, a 13th century Lutheran Cathedral that is currently served by Bishop Janis Vanags.

And if you like this kind of masculine ecclesiastical vocal music and you live in the deep South, you might consider making a pilgrimage to hear the CTS Fort Wayne Kantorei on their Epiphany tour which is in Florida this year.

HT: Pr. Weedon (whose hat in turn tips to Pr. McCain)


  1. The choir, "Schola Cantorum Riga," is from Riga, Latvia, and its founder and artistic director, Guntars Prānis, is also the Music Director of Riga Dom Cathedral and Assistant professor of Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music.

    However, the video is of the choir performing at Tukuma luterāņu baznīca (Tukums Lutheran Church) in Tukums, Latvia, about 40 miles west of Riga. Tukums has a population of about 55,000. The video, "Schola Cantorum Riga - Cantabo Domino (processionale), is also at the same church.

    The homepage link for Tukuma luterāņu baznīca is:
    Click on "Galerija" along the left side for more pictures, including interior shots, like this one or this one.


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