Sunday, December 13, 2009

Your Complimentary 80s Flashback

During an expedition to Walgreen's today, I heard the above 80s anthem by the Canadian band "Glass Tiger" (with fellow Canuck Bryan Adams singing background vocals).

And before Brother Latif gets all excited that this is going to be about the decade of the Sixth Ecumenical Council (Constantinople III), this video is actually the 1980s, not the 680s. The music of the 7th century was indeed fantastic, but unfortunately there was no G-TV for Gregorian chant. Sorry, Bro!

You gotta hand it to Walgreen's - they do play quite a wide swath of music. But then again, it also means that my generation is now starting to make its way to the pharmacy more often. Uh-oh...

Back in the day, my metal-head friends and I used to make fun of this song. And now, more than 20 years in retrospect, it is delightfully dated. So, get out your 80s Bingo cards (is there such a thing?), and watch this video.

Of course, the "free space" in the middle is for "big hair."



  1. If you go into the Wal-Greens in Scottsbluff, NE, to get your drugs, you'll more than likely see my wife!

    Of course, whenever I call the store, they don't seem to be playing the cool music on their phone system. :(

  2. I won't forget you when you're gone. . . but if you are going to go all 80's on this theme - "Don't You Forget About Me" by Simple Minds is much better.

  3. Your mention of the important seventh century alongside the second to last decade of the twentieth century gives me an idea. Someone should make a movie about the ecclesiastical intrigues of the late seventh century with music from 1980s America, in Moulin Rouge style. Okay, maybe not.

  4. Brown's wrong - GT is WAY better than the Simple Minds. :-)

    Brother Gaba may not have been terribly excited to hear Glass Tiger, but I was - they ruled the Canadian airwaves when I was a boy!

  5. For songs from north of the border I was always more of a Chilliwack-My Girl (gone gone gone) fan. I listened to a lot of stations from Winnipeg as almost all N.D. stations played only two kind of music: country & western.

  6. Fr. Bakker:

    I just consulted you blog. I like it, but my retinas are burning.

  7. I might have grown up on Milwaukee's North Side, but I really meant "your" instead of "you" in my last comment. Sorry.

  8. FYI, I just treated the lobby of the Comfort Inn & Suites Downtown to "Don't Forget Me." There's a couple of people who now officially think I'm weird. I think they'd be even more weirded out if I were to show them the video of this song. It's one thing to hear some of that 80s music, but some of those videos were just goofy.

  9. That music video looks like a war of Mullets. :-)

  10. Dear Ruth:

    Chilliwack! Boy, they have been "gone, gone, gone" so long!

    Excellent comments, everyone. There is just something about the 80s...

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