Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Big Oh-Five!

January 15, 2010

A happy dual birthday to our son Leo, who turned five according to the flesh yesterday (January 15), and according to to the spirit today (January 16).

We had a fun day yesterday
: lunch at Chuck E. Cheese (pizza and games - which Mommy and Daddy may have even enjoyed more), dinner at IHOP (complete with ice cream and singing waitresses). His favorite present was an anatomically-correct model of a tarantula. Yes, Leo is a weird as his parents. We wound the day down with a video-conference with Uncle Bryan and Aunt Pia in Ottawa.

Thanks also to relatives and parishioners whose calls and presents made the day so joyful. We hope you had a great day, notre fils!

January 15, 2005, moments after being born

January 16, 2005, moments after being born again


  1. Happy (belated) Birthday, Leo.

    God's blessings on him, and may he be granted many years!!!

  2. Happy birthday, Leo!!! We hope to see you again soon!

  3. Nice pictures in combination! I hope that you will not make the tragic mistake many clergymen make when they neglect their wives and children by working long hours doing the work of the church outside their homes.


  4. Happy Birthday to Leo! (And, I promise not a word about I-Hop)

  5. Happy (belated) birthday, Master Leonidas!

  6. If only we could figure out what time he was baptized.


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