Saturday, April 09, 2022

Sermon: Louisiana Wing Conference CAP – Saturday of Lent 5

9 April 2022

Text: Mark 11:1-10

In the name of + Jesus.  Amen.

Most of the Christian world celebrates Palm Sunday tomorrow, calling to mind the events of our Lord’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, preparing for His triumph at the cross and at the empty tomb.  Lest we forget that He is the Son of God, and is God, we are reminded of the miraculous provision that Jesus makes for Himself in securing transportation for this entry into David’s royal city.  And lest we forget that He is Man, the Son of Man and the Son of David, He rides this “colt, the foal of a beast of burden” into Jerusalem, just as David’s Son King Solomon did, as He took up the throne of His father David.

But this King, this Jesus, is a New and Greater Solomon.  For He does not take foreign wives and follow foreign gods.  King Jesus is faithful to His Father and to His Bride, the Church.  He does not chase after temporal glory and empire, but rather empties Himself, “taking the form of a servant,” and drawing us into His kingdom that is “not of this world.”  Rather than order other men to serve Him by shedding their blood and dying for Him, this King “comes not to be served but to serve,” and to save us by shedding His blood and dying for us.

The people hail Him in royal fashion with palm branches and acclamations of “Hosanna!” – a word that means “Save us.”  The name of Jesus means: “God saves.”  Luke’s account of our Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem teaches us that not everyone recognized their King.  The Pharisees ordered Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples.”  Those same authoritarian voices exist today: those who would silence our confession of Jesus and stifle our worship of our King.  Our Lord tells them: “If these were silent, the very stones would cry out.”  And indeed, dear friends, even the stones confess Christ as Lord.  The stone that sealed His tomb will confess Him, as it will be rolled away to make way for Him.  The stones of the temple that were “thrown down” confess Him as the King of a kingdom that is “not of this world.”  For He is the “stone the builders rejected” that has become the “cornerstone.”  The stones of jewels in the gates of the New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelation confess Him as well, and will do so for eternity.

Like the stones, we will not be silenced in our confession, dear friends.  For we cry to Jesus, the God who saves, and we acclaim Him with Hosannas, prayers for God’s salvation, knowing that we are poor, miserable sinners in need of redemption, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.

We are honored to wear the uniform of our country and corps, to serve one another and our community, state, and nation.  And we are honored to wear the robes that have been washed and made “white in the blood of the Lamb.” It is our joy to serve our Lord and our neighbor in the kingdom. 

Let us continue to preach and confess “Christ crucified,” our King who was “raised for our justification.”  May this Holy Week remind us to always and evermore give “glory, laud, and honor” to our “Redeemer King,” and may we children of the Heavenly Father make “sweets hosannas ring,” now and even unto eternity.


In the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.


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