Here is a picture from January 2007 of the Hollywood Family's visit to the very cool Canada Aviation Museum/Musée de l'aviation du Canada in Ottawa. This is just crying out for a caption - but I can't come up with one. Please feel free to weigh in with a suggestion (you can even click on the pic to enlarge).
There is a special "international" web award for the winner.
Flying regards...
Lion Boy: Engines?
Father H: Check.
Lion Boy: Fuel?
Father H: Check.
Father H: What was that?!?
Lion Boy: The birds in Canada are HUGE! Turn on the wipers...
Father H: Check.
Pastor Beane begins to rethink his plans of "picking up" people interested in the Emergent Church.
An unnamed refugee attempts to board the last helicopter, bravely captained by Fr. Hollywood and navigated by Lion Boy, during the fall of St. Louis.
Dad! Dad! Look! Mom is overjoyed you made her wash the windshield in flight again!
Uh...Dad? Dad?!? DAD!?!?!
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