Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The Holy Estate and the Unholy State

We have it exactly backwards. 

We Americans have ‘no fault divorce’ because we no longer believe marriage to be sacred and inviolable. It’s merely a human arrangement based on convenience that can be dissolved - or even redefined - at will. And government defines and administers marriage. 

But we outlaw divorce between states and consider even discussing a reconfiguration of government to be ‘sedition’ and ‘treason.’  Moreover, even our government buildings are now considered sacred - as church sanctuaries were once upon a time. 

We have replaced God with the State, and instead of recognizing marriage as a sacramental estate that precedes and supersedes government, we have placed it firmly under government.  Instead of recognizing government as a mere human arrangement designed to serve our purposes and protect our rights and liberties, we now see government as our master, who giveth liberty, and who taketh it away. 

The State is now our god. For even when churches can be closed and declared nonessential, government must remain open.

In our statist religion, marriages are dissolved every day, but our current and specific form of governance is indivisible. We are wedded to the State until death do us part.

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