Saturday, June 16, 2007

A backhanded compliment!

I ran across a traditionalist Roman Catholic's blog (and I am deeply sympathetic to his complaints about how non-traditionalists and their liturgical radicalism have truly hurt the faith and practice within churches of the Roman communion - we too bear a similar cross).

Anyway, I enjoyed his remark under the topic "Horror Stories"...

Another priest there used to insist that people consume all of the remaining sacramental elements after his mass, because he was "uncomfortable" with the idea of adhering presence. I told him he really ought to think about becoming a Lutheran, earning me an irritated look. He wasn't anywhere near good enough as a preacher to be a Lutheran anyway.

Even among traditionalist Roman Catholics (at least some), Lutheran pastors enjoy a reputation and respect for their proclamation of the Gospel.

1 comment:

Past Elder said...

Even among traditionalist Roman Catholics (at least some), Lutheran pastors enjoy a reputation and respect for their proclamation of the Gospel.

They sure do. I was one of the those traditionalist RCs.

Now I'm a Lutheran. Guys, you can swim the Tiber the other direction too, and man it feels great afterward!