Friday, December 06, 2019

Genocide is not enough!

In this video...

a mob of eco-terrorists block traffic as police officers watch and do nothing.

At one point, a "protester" goes from car to car "interviewing" the victims.  One lady was angry that she was being impeded.  The "protester" basically told her it was for her own good.  She retorted that she was also concerned about the environment, but this "is not helping."  He asked what would help.  She replied, "depopulation."


Let that sink in.  The implication is, of course, the canard that human life is ruining the planet, and the earth would be great were it not for all the people.

Think about the implications of this call to depopulate.  Based on this line of reasoning, genocides are a blessing, and the likes of Stalin, Hitler, and Mao should be treated as eco-heroes.  Moreover, abortion on a mass scale is a "solution" to the quest for depopulation.

This may well explain why many of these "protesters" describe themselves as Communists or Socialists.  Let's consider what Communism has done to advance the agenda of depopulation:

  • USSR: 20 million
  • China: 65 million
  • Vietnam: 1 million'
  • North Korea: 2 million
  • Cambodia: 2 million
  • Eastern Europe: 1 million
  • Latin America: 150,000
  • Africa: 1.7 million
  • Afghanistan: 1.5 million

Of course, we also have National Socialist Germany's depopulation accomplishments to consider, though their exploits are not listed in the Black Book of Communism

According to the Huffington Post, the German National Socialists added 11 million to the Socialist depopulation count.

This also explains the Left's obsession with abortion - which snuffs out millions of lives before they are even born.  According to the World Health Organization, there are between 40 - 50 million abortions per year worldwide.

These statistics do not include deaths due to wars.  According to the New York Times, in the 20th century alone, 108 million people were killed in warfare.

But apparently, all of this wanton death and destruction of millions of people is not enough.  It follows that to the average eco-warrior chanting in the street, what this world needs is more genocide.  We need more world wars and mass devastation.  We need even more women to kill their children in utero.  One can hardly think of a site more delightful to these people than a mass grave.  In their worldview, we should erect monuments to the likes of Stalin, Hitler, and Mao.  Not all heroes wear capes. 

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