Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Sermon: Wittenberg Academy – Feb 25 (Mardi Gras)

25 February 2020

Text: John 8:21-38

In the name of + Jesus.  Amen.

Our Lord’s words today are as relevant as ever.  For Jesus speaks of “truth.”  Our current culture is more concerned about feelings.  But in contrast to the world’s desires, the truth is not what we want, what we hope for, or what the majority of people say that it is.  Truth is that which is, that which is real.  And truth is objective.  Truth transcends our feelings.  Our Lord makes no bones about it: “If you abide in my Word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” 

“The truth will set you free.”

For if you are beholden to a lie, you are enslaved by it.  And Satan is the father of lies.  Jesus came to tell the truth.  And as the traditional oath given to legal witnesses reads: Jesus came to tell the truth, “the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”  There is also an old saying: “the truth hurts.”  Yes it does.  For the truth is that we are poor, miserable sinners.  The truth is that we are mortal because of our sin.  The truth is that we deserve to be cast into hell.  The truth is that we cannot save ourselves.  The truth is that we are indebted beyond that we can even hope to pay.

But the truth is also that Jesus has come to pay our debt, and to set us free.  “The truth will set you free.”  And how are we to know this truth, dear friends?  Our Lord made it very clear: “If you abide in My Word.”

Today, most people don’t abide in His Word.  Most people refuse to believe that our Scriptures are true.  And what’s more, many in our culture, including those who are calling the shots in the world, do not believe there is such a thing as objective truth.  Pontius Pilate hinted at this struggle for truth when He asked our Lord at His trial: “What is truth?”  Scripture does not record Him giving an answer.  For the answer was right there before Pilate.  It is interesting that we invoke Pilate’s name every time we recite our creeds.  

The Word of God is true.  It cannot lie.  It never leads us astray.  For it always leads us to Jesus.  And it is Jesus, our incarnate God, who died upon the cross and who rose again, atoning for sin, defeating the devil, and conquering death – it is truly Jesus that makes us free!  Amen.

In the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

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