Monday, November 02, 2020

Sermon: WA Board - Camp Okoboji, IA (Matins) - Nov 2, 2020

2 November 2020

Text: Matt 21:23-46

 In the name of + Jesus.  Amen.

The Parable of the Talents is a warning against spiritual hubris.

The “chief priests and the Pharisees” heard this, and other parables, and “they perceived that [Jesus] was speaking about Him.”  And so He was.  But He was not only speaking to them.

The chief priests and the Pharisees put their faith in who they were.  They believed that because of their ethnicity as sons of Abraham, or because of their positions of authority, or their particular religious labels – that the kingdom would remain with them forever.

The Holy Spirit caused this parable to be written down, and caused us to hear it today, dear friends, because it is also a warning to us.  There are some today who put their faith in their ethnicity – be they white or black – and their skin color becomes their actual religion.  We see this in our own synod among those pushing critical race theory.  There are some who put their faith in the fact that they are pastors, or they are elders, or they are church workers, or they are laity – as if the Creator of the Universe is impressed by what is on your business card, or how well you know Robert’s Rules in the voters assembly.

We Lutherans are fond of saying that we are the True Visible Church on Earth, and we are the real Catholic Church.  We pat ourselves on the back for having all of the right doctrine – especially if we “say the black and do the red.” 

Our Lord demands that we confess the Biblical faith and “produce fruits.”  That is what we are called to do.  We are not called to boast about our ethnicity, our vocation, or our confessional label.  We are called to love God and serve our neighbor.  We are called to confess our sins and repent.  We are called to fear, love, and trust in God above all things.  We are called to bear witness to Jesus Christ: “the stone that the builders rejected [who] has become the cornerstone.”  If we become arrogant, the kingdom will be taken from us, and given to others. 

So let us rightfully perceive that the Lord is speaking about us.  Let us thank Him for this warning.  Let us look to Jesus and not to ourselves.  Let us serve the Lord in His vineyard in whatever way that the Son calls us.  Let us rejoice in His grace and mercy, now and even unto eternity!


In the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

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