Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Sermon: Wittenberg Academy – Nov 10

10 November 2020

Text: Jeremiah 23:1-20

In the name of + Jesus.  Amen.

The prophet Jeremiah preaches in a way that reminds us our Lord Jesus railing against the scribes and Pharisees.  “‘Woe to the shepherds,” says Jeremiah, “who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture!’ declares the Lord.”  The word “pastor” literally means shepherd.  Jeremiah is condemning the false prophets whose lies do not gather the sheep into the Lord’s flock, but rather scatter them to the four winds and to the wiles of the devil.  False prophets and shepherds and pastors are agents of Lucifer, performing the opposite of what the Lord calls pastors to do.

Such destructive shepherds were common in Jeremiah’s day, and they still are, dear friends.  They are con-men, and as often as not, con-women.  At best, they are charlatans who make a lot of money peddling snake oil.  At worst, they are tools of the devil, receiving visions and apparitions of Satan.  And such people are common.

Television teems with these snakes.  Popular books in the lines at the grocery stores are authored by these liars and windbags.  Even innocent-sounding devotionals used in some of our own churches – like the popular “Jesus Calling” not only contain false doctrine, but were channeled from some spiritual entity according to their authors.  There are false preachers claiming to be apostles and prophets with special powers and anointings.  And they have large cult followings.  Many of them use props like fake gold dust and earpieces with people telling them things that make it look like they are receiving messages from God.  Meanwhile, many of these spiritual prostitutes live like kings on their ill-gotten gains, with multiple mansions, luxury cars, and even private jets – all tax-free of course. 

Jeremiah points out that they fill their listeners with “vain hopes” and “speak visions of their own minds.”  And instead of submitting to Scripture, they “despise the Word of the Lord.”  They tell people what they want to hear, promises of health and wealth.  They do not preach Scripture, but claim that God speaks directly to them.  The Lord warns them: “Behold the storm of the Lord!  Wrath has gone forth.”  This wrath will “burst upon the head of the wicked” and “the anger of the Lord will not turn back.”  God adds: “In the latter days, you will understand it clearly.”

And yet, many are deceived by these people, beguiled by them, fooled by them.  Don’t fall for it, dear friends.  Your spiritual immune system is bolstered by Scripture.  The Bible will never lie to you.  God speaks infallibly through His actually Spirit-filled Word.  And the Lord will provide true pastors for His people, as He revealed to Jeremiah, that a “remnant” would be served by “shepherds over them who will care for them, and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall any be missing.” 

Dear friends, faithful pastors proclaim the Word of God, and you can tell whether a shepherd is faithful or is a false prophet by using the Bible as a guide.  The Scriptures are, as we “believe, teach, and confess,” the “sole rule and standard” by which both doctrine and “teachers should be estimated and judged.”  True shepherds will denounce false prophets, and the Lord’s flock hear His voice and follow Him: the Righteous Branch who shall “reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness,” as we who have been redeemed by Him, indeed believe, teach, and confess, even unto eternity.  Thanks be to God.


In the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

1 comment:

Okiebud said...

I wish it were not so, Pastor, but some in my own family have been beguiled. I pray for them constantly. Thank you for this post.