O Tannenpalm, O Tannenpalm. This is a block from our house, at our "old new house" (we were going to try to buy it, but the seller decided to keep it, and we ended up in the "new new house" instead.). Now that's a Nuh-Wahluns Christmas tree, dawlins!
A blessed Festival of the Holy Nativity of our Lord to all. Gloria in excelsis Deo!
And a very Merry Christmas to you and yours from the Miller family.
Our families really must get together sometime. I believe we'd have a grand ole time. Afterall, Silas practically lives in his Superman costume, Isaiah likes to play Batman, Grace sometimes will put on her Wonder Woman costume and if we can get your Leo to be Spiderman...well, we would have a Justice League reunion!
Mrs. Hollywood says: "WalMart." Just the other day, someone else complimented her on the same skirt that has become somewhat of a standard Mrs. H. uniform.
While serving in a previous ministerial call, I had to moonlight at the local Hollywood Video to pay for health insurance for the family. It took one of my coworkers a couple weeks before she stopped addressing me as "Father" and started using my first name.
It was a fun job. My co-workers were the best. I got free rentals too. You can click here to see a picture. Now you know the rest of the story...
And a very Merry Christmas to you and yours from the Miller family.
Our families really must get together sometime. I believe we'd have a grand ole time. Afterall, Silas practically lives in his Superman costume, Isaiah likes to play Batman, Grace sometimes will put on her Wonder Woman costume and if we can get your Leo to be Spiderman...well,
we would have a Justice League reunion!
Where did Mrs Hollywood get that rockin' skirt?
Dear Monique:
It sounds to me like the fate of the world hangs in the balance. ;-)
Indeed, let's all get together!
Dear Rebekah:
Mrs. Hollywood says: "WalMart." Just the other day, someone else complimented her on the same skirt that has become somewhat of a standard Mrs. H. uniform.
Blessings for the New Year!
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