As a Christmas present to our congregation, Mrs. H. completed her work on the white chasuble on the afternoon of Christmas Eve, in time for the 5:00 pm Service of Lessons and Carols. It takes its place next to Salem's earlier purple chasuble, which we were using for Advent.
The white chasuble is made of silk, is lined with gold fabric, and has gold orphreys. The appliqué in the middle of the vesica is an Agnus Dei design, Christ symbolized as the Lamb reclining on a book with the seven seals from the Book of Revelation. It matches Salem's altar carving. Mrs. H. painstakingly embroidered around the Lamb, the book, the banner, and each of the seals, all by hand in red and again in gold - as well as adding some further gold embellishment - to enhance the appearance of the appliqué. She also modified the pattern of the chasuble, and improved the neckline. The final result is breath-taking.
Here are photos chronicling Grace's work on this beautiful ecclesiastical vestment. And below are just a few more glimpses:
Absolutely stunning! Magnificent work, Mrs. H.
Beautiful work by Mrs. H!
Wow! Beautiful work!
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